Digital Transformation of Water Quality Management Essential for Onshore Aquaculture to Gain Traction
Visualization through Remote Management Optimizes Breeding Environment and Prevents Overstraining Farms
- Power-saving
- Cost-reduction
- Visualization
- Operational-efficiency
- Monitoring
- Facility-monitoring
- IoT
- Water-conservation
- Inspection-reduction
- Sea-river-reservoir-dam
Why has onshore aquaculture attracted so much attention? And what are the keys to success in this market, which is drawing an endless stream of new entrants?
In this article, we will look at them and introduce solutions from Optex.
Aquaculture Flourishes as Wild Catch Peaks Out
Although the combined volume of global production from fisheries and aquaculture continues to grow, the production volume from fishing vessels is actually on a flat trend. The reasons behind this trend include: 1) increased demand for marine products due to the increasing number of high-income earners in emerging countries, changing food culture, and rising health consciousness, and 2) as a result of overfishing due to improved fishing techniques.
The size of the aquaculture market has expanded rapidly as the answer to balancing supply and demand for marine products.
However, the problem of space shortage is standing in the way of offshore aquaculture, which is currently the mainstream in aquaculture. This can be due to limits on environmental conditions for different fish species such as the water temperature for survival, or limits on topography such as sheltered bays that protect aquaculture rafts from typhoons.

Key to Successful Onshore Aquaculture
To meet the growing demands under these circumstances, attention has turned to onshore aquaculture, which can be used in any location to raise a wide variety of fish species in a highly productive way.
Onshore aquaculture can be divided into three types: flow-through, semi-enclosed circulation, and enclosed circulation. However, they all share the same considerations.

To raise farmed fish efficiently, the timing and amount of feeding must be adjusted according to their growing phase and environment.
In aquaculture ponds of limited capacities, such as fishponds or tanks, water quality deteriorates due to leftover food. The oxygen level in the water is greatly reduced by the vigorous movements of the farmed fish, and the ammonia level increases due to their feces and urine.
Water quality in aquaculture ponds can change drastically at any time, so frequent on-site inspections are essential for detecting any signs of deterioration in water quality. Failure to do so can lead to diseases in the farmed fish or, in the worst case, mass death.
In other words, the secret to success in onshore aquaculture is constantly managing water quality and building know-how in aquaculture based on data.

Measure, Communicate, and See Effortlessly
Smart Onshore Aquaculture with the WATER it Data Management Service
WATER it Data Management Service — An IoT technology enabled system that automatically measures water quality and keeps you informed anytime, anywhere.

No More Water Quality Patrols
You can manage the measurements from water quality sensors remotely from a computer or smartphone, including dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH levels.
You no longer need on-site patrols to measure water quality, transforming the way you work and allowing you to reduce labor costs and eliminate human resource shortages.

Data Analysis for Optimized Breeding Environment, Reporting Function
You can view measurements as a list or graph for easy analysis of trend values, or summarize them in daily, weekly, and monthly reports.
You can download measurements in CSV format and together with fish growth records, determine the optimal aquaculture environment and feeding amounts.

Alarm Notifications for Peace of Mind in Emergencies
When water quality falls outside of preset upper or lower limits, you can receive email notifications on your computer or smartphone.
Alarm notifications allow you to act quickly, helping prevent severe damage before it occurs.

In these ways, the WATER it Data Management Service solution can help automate water quality management and even transform the way people work.
Contributing to the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In recent years, companies are playing an increasingly active role in achieving the SDGs.
Water quality is difficult to see with the naked eye. With the technology to measure, communicate, and visualize this subtle information, WATER it can contribute to sustainable development of the global environment and to the achievement of the SDGs by making smart aquaculture a reality.
With WATER it, we will create a world where all life forms can live with peace of mind.
We believe that understanding water at the individual level will help to trigger a change in water awareness, spreading gradually from individuals to companies, households, and communities, and this will ultimately lead to the creation of a world in which all life forms can live with peace of mind.

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