Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DOS Series

Easy Installation, Simple Operation. Maintenance long-term unnecessary.

Products Name Price
DOS-20 [Sensor],[Parts No. 05160]


  • Combination use with MLSS Analyzer for biological treatment or MBR process
  • Robust Design -Inert ABS construction
  • Long Term Stability -No Influence by water flow rate


Aquaculture ground
Aquaculture ground


Installation example

Diagram of an example installation of a DO meter
When installing the sensor in locations with high flow rates, make sure that the mounting brackets are sufficiently strong.
* The PVC pipe VP-20 and a standard fitting to be prepared by the user.

Extension of sensor cable

The standard length of the sensor cable is 10 m. To extend the cable, refer to the following.
To extend the cable, connection using pull box is recommended.

Sensor cable extension diagram for DO meters.
・ The cable clamp fits the cable sheath diameter of 6 to 8 mm.
・ The sensor cable must be shielded with a nominal cross-sectional area of 0.2 to 1.25 mm2.


Display item

Set measurement items to display as main, 2nd, and 3rd display of SC-U1.

Image of the SC-U1 display screen


Replacement sensor cap: DOS-CP

Replacement sensor cap: DOS-CP

[Parts No. 05161]

It is a consumable item that we will exchange for 1 year as a guide.

Please go to the support page to get the necessary files in PDF.

  • Specifications

  • Dimensions

Model DOS-20
Measurement item Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L)
Temperature (°C)
Dissolved oxygen saturation (%)
Oxygen Partial Pressure (kPa)
Measurement range(Display resolution) Dissolved oxygen concentration: 0.00 – 50.00 mg/L (0.01 mg/L)
Temperature: 0.0 – 50.0°C (0.1°C)
Dissolved oxygen % saturation: 0.0 – 200.0 (0.1%)
Oxygen partial pressure: 0.0 – 150.0 kPa (0.1 kPa)  
Measurement resolution ± 0.1 mg/L (0 – 8 mg/L)
± 0.2 mg/L (8 – 20 mg/L)
± 10% of reading (20 – 50 mg/L)  
Response time 90% response: < 45 seconds
95% response: < 60 seconds (Water temperature: 25°C)
Power supply voltage 12 to 36 VDC
Current consumption 25 mA max. (24 VDC)
Communications (function) MODBUS (RTU/ASCII)
Operating temperature 0 to 50°C (unfrozen)
Major material ABS
Dimensions Φ44 × 204 mm
Weight Approx. 850 g (including cable length of 10 m)
Degree of protection IP68, maximum depth of 200 meters (underwater type)
Sensor cable length 10 m
Sensor cap replacement cycle Every year after sensor installation (guideline)
Sensor cap storage period 2 years after manufactured date (when stored in the specified container)
Storage temperature: 1 to 60°C
*Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
dimensions of Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DOS-20

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